Shared management and poly-centralization are two of the central premises of the Macrozoning of the RMBH. The mapping of the 34 municipalities aims to identify the territories wherein the most important metropolitan are. The Macrozoning is one of the directives within the Metropolitan Plan of Integrated Development (PDDI), which beyond this project includes actions focused on sustainable development, better territorial occupation, urban accessibility, safety and health.
Fifty years have passed since the creation of the RMBH and the beginning of its planning process. Besides being in an authoritarian context, a rich and broad integrated planning experience was put in action during the years of 1974 and 1996. This period is known as the PLAMBEL’s period, an autarchy of the State responsible for the management of the region. After this period, the institutional planning suffers a decrease and in taken back to action in 2004, when the new Metropolitan Arrangement, integrated by the Metropolitan Council, the Deliberative Metropolitan Council and the Agency for Metropolitan Development, was established. These entities also count with two other managing instruments: The Fund for Metropolitan Development and the PDDI-RMBH.
Since its creation in 1973, the RMBH has grown from 14 to 34 municipalities, and its population went from 1.7 million to 5 million inhabitants. This region of Minas Gerais became the third largest urban agglomeration in the country. The share of services, opportunities and equipment among the cities has also followed this growth.
Belo Horizonte became a great pole of population and services however; this reality needs to change and seems that it will not last long. With its huge growth, a broaden organization became necessary for the metropolitan stage looking for to ease problems and to fairly organize the territory.
Through a new planning tool, a diversified group draws what will result in the Zones of Metropolitan Interest, a mapping that may be integrated to a project on course on the Council of the State in which contains the sets for the shared management of the RMBH.
The Metropolitan Macrozoning will push forward for better development of opportunities and problem solving beyond the municipal borders. According to Fabiana Borges, responsible for the economic core of the project, besides analyzing the social side of the region, it is main to observe all the matters related to the market and labor force, social inclusion and creative economy. “We did a survey of planned investments and projects, because this shows the tendencies of various sectors”. All the views are important to comprehend the dynamics of the region.
Roberto Monte-Mór, the project coordinator, explains the Macrozoning shall set a row of tools, before exclusive to the municipalities, and that shall be possible to use them on the metropolitan level. “Recently the Supreme Court decided in a case in Rio de Janeiro that a problem of sanitation was neither a municipal nor a problem of the State, but a problem of both. And this is a matter sprouting throughout the whole country”.